Hi! I love reading fashion magazines and fashion sites and of course, I love the fashion week reviews that happen around the world where they show the trends of the season, new collections and clothes, models, and even influencers, that will be a hit of the season.
On the other hand, I also understand that you may not be as passionate about fashion as I am, but you like to be in the know, dress well, and use your imagination to your advantage to achieve your goals. That’s why I wanted to write this post with 8 fashion tips that all women should know, no matter if fashion is your passion or not.
- I always say it: know yourself.
Knowing your body type, your best colors and your style can help you get the most out of your clothes and balance your figure.
- Have a trusted tailor
Just as you have a doctor, a dentist, and even a podiatrist, having a tailor or seamstress is necessary. There is no better outfit than the one that fits you well and enhances your figure. Whenever you buy a garment, make sure it fits you just right. If it doesn’t fit you perfectly, as if it was made for you, have it adjusted?
- Your goal in dressing: balance your figure.
When you go shopping, make sure you buy clothes that are for your body type and that will achieve a balance. For example, if your shoulders are very narrow and you have wide hips, look for a top, sweater, jacket, or t-shirt that has some element that stands out at the top. It can be shoulder pads, pearls, or even ruffles. This draws attention and creates balance in your figure.
- Always try on new clothes whenever you buy them
Sometimes we get lazy or say: “I know my size, I don’t have to try it on anymore”, but it is important that you always try everything on. I understand that online shopping is today’s thing but only if you master what suits you and if not, you better try it on. Make sure that, as I said in point 2, it fits you just right. Many times we see spectacular garments that we love and when we see them on, they don’t beat us so much anymore.

Extra: Every time you go shopping wear comfortable clothes that are easy to take off and put on.
- Dare to try new things
It is vital that you know your style, but dare to try new colors that you never wear, shapes, fabrics, textures, and in general, clothes that you think “do not go with you” or “do not suit you”. You may be in for some good surprises. If you need any additional tips about fashion, you may visit Sitejabber Temu for further info.
- Always have these 3 key pieces
A leather jacket (synthetic), a coat in a neutral color, and a denim jacket. They go with everything, can completely transform your look, and never go out of style.
- Show only the necessary amount of skin
The rule is simple: if you show your leg, don’t show cleavage or back. If you show cleavage, don’t show the back or leg. If you show back, don’t show cleavage or leg.
- Learn your best outfits
When you know you have a good outfit, that you like how you combined it, that it looks good, that people tell you that you look good and that it makes you happy, take a picture of it and save it in a special album in your cell phone. When you need a “safe” outfit and you don’t feel confident or you feel you have “nothing to wear”, turn to these photos.