Hemp oil is golden or bright green in color (depending on whether it is obtained from peeled or whole seeds) and has a delicate nutty flavor. One of its benefits is that it is a source of omega-3, with heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory properties.
In this article, we explain what hemp oil is, how it is obtained, what are its nutritional properties and all the benefits it brings to your health by incorporating it into your diet.
What is hemp oil?
Hemp oil is obtained from cold-pressed hemp seeds. It has a high content of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids (70%) and is an excellent dietary source of these components.
At the culinary level, it is interesting for its delicate nutty flavor. It is consumed raw, in the form of dressing or in sauces, so that all the properties of the oil are better preserved.
From a nutritional point of view, it is recommended as a natural omega-3 supplement. One teaspoon of hemp oil provides all the omega-3 recommended for an adult.

Characteristics of hemp oil: color and taste
The characteristics of hemp oil vary slightly, depending on how it is obtained:
Green hemp oil: made from whole seeds it has a bright green color and an intense nutty flavor. It has a high chlorophyll content. As with olive oil, with the passage of time, the greenish color is less intense due to the transformation of its components, which does not affect the properties of the oil.
Golden hemp oil: made from peeled and roasted hemp seeds, it has a golden color and a slightly nutty flavor.
What does hemp oil provide us with?
Hemp oil is one of the foods richest in omega 3. This component has been shown to have heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory properties and to protect the proper functioning of the nervous system:
Among the benefits of omega 3 are:
- It is a type of heart-healthy fat that lowers blood pressure and triglyceride and LDL cholesterol (or “bad cholesterol”) levels.
- Anti-inflammatory properties, which could help in processes of joint pain, arthritis and osteoarthritis, and inflammatory bowel diseases.
- Prevention of cognitive deterioration, since omega-3 is part of neurons and neurotransmitters.
- Prevention of some types of cancer, such as colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
Other important components of hemp oil are phytosterols (plant sterols, components that help reduce LDL cholesterol) and tocopherols (vitamin E, antioxidant).
In which diets is hemp oil interesting?
Hemp oil provides the omega 3 needed in:
- Diets for heart health: hypertension, arrhythmia, cholesterol, diabetes, fatty liver, etc.
- Diets to improve circulation: varicose veins, tired legs, advanced age, etc.
- Diets for nervous disorders: stress, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc.
- Diets for pregnancy and lactation: omega 3 requirements increase in these stages.
- Diets to reduce pain (anti-inflammatory): menstrual pain, arthritis, bronchitis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.
At Hemponix they recommend professional advice and that diet therapy be accompanied by appropriate habits and lifestyle, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. Consult with your health professional.